Micro. Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives. This takes label imbalance into account.
Macro. Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account.
Weighted. Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters ‘macro’ to account for label imbalance.
import numpy as np
from sklearn import metrics as mt
import random
ytrue = np.array([0,1,0,1,1,0]) # Ground Truth
yhat = np.array([0,1,1,1,0,1]) # Prediction
def confusion(ytrue,yhat):
tp = 0
fp = 0
tn = 0
fn = 0
for i in range(len(ytrue)):
if ytrue[i] == yhat[i] and yhat[i]==0: # tn
elif ytrue[i] == yhat[i] and yhat[i]==1: # tp
elif ytrue[i] != yhat[i] and yhat[i]==0: # fn
elif ytrue[i] != yhat[i] and yhat[i]==1: # fp
return [tn,fp,fn,tp]
def confusion_matrix(ytrue,yhat):
Ensure: |TN FP|
| |
tn,fp,fn,tp = confusion(ytrue,yhat)
return np.array([[tn,fp],[fn,tp]])
def accuracy(ytrue,yhat):
Require: ytrue, yhat. ndarray of shape (N,1). Each row is for one sample. Output can only be either 0 or 1.
Ensure: the percentage of matches between y_true and y_hat
correct = 0
for i in range(len(ytrue)):
if ytrue[i]==yhat[i]:
return correct / float(len(ytrue))
def precision(ytrue,yhat):
Require: ytrue, yhat. ndarray of shape (N,1). Each row is for one sample.
Ensure: Precision. The rate of false positives. Out of all the predicted positives, how many are actually positives.
Application: when incorrectly labelling a spam as NOT SPAM is fine but labelling an important mail as SPAM is worse.
tn,fp,fn,tp = confusion(ytrue,yhat)
return (tp / float(tp+fp))
def recall(ytrue,yhat):
Require: ytrue, yhat. ndarray of shape (N,1). Each row is for one sample.
Ensure: Recall. The rate of false positives. Out of all the actual positives, how many are actually predicted positives.
Application: how many is lablled as SPAM out of all actuall spams.
tn,fp,fn,tp = confusion(ytrue,yhat)
return (tp / float(tp+fn))
def f1(ytrue,yhat):
Require: ytrue, yhat. ndarray of shape (N,1). Each row is for one sample.
Ensure: f1-score. Harmonic mean of precision and recall.
r = recall(ytrue,yhat)
p = precision(ytrue,yhat)
return (2*((r*p)/(r+p)))
# --------------- test ------------------#
print(">>> confusion_matrix \n Custom: \n",confusion_matrix(ytrue,yhat), "\nsklearn: \n",mt.confusion_matrix(ytrue,yhat))
print(">>> Accuracy \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(accuracy(ytrue,yhat), mt.accuracy_score(ytrue,yhat)))
print(">>> Precision \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(precision(ytrue,yhat), mt.precision_score(ytrue,yhat)))
print(">>> Recall \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(recall(ytrue,yhat), mt.recall_score(ytrue,yhat)))
print(">>> f1 score \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(f1(ytrue,yhat), mt.f1_score(ytrue,yhat)))
>>> confusion_matrix
[[1 2]
[1 2]]
[[1 2]
[1 2]]
>>> Accuracy
Custom: 0.500000, sklearn: 0.500000
>>> Precision
Custom: 0.500000, sklearn: 0.500000
>>> Recall
Custom: 0.666667, sklearn: 0.666667
>>> f1 score
Custom: 0.571429, sklearn: 0.571429
ytrue = [random.randint(0,2) for r in range(50)] # 3 classes: 0,1,2
yhat = [random.randint(0,2) for r in range(50)]
def accuracy(ytrue,yhat):
Require: ytrue, yhat. ndarray of shape (N,1). Each row is for one sample. Output can only be 0 to N-1, where N is the number of classes.
Ensure: the percentage of matches between y_true and y_hat
correct = 0
for i in range(len(ytrue)):
if ytrue[i]==yhat[i]:
return correct / float(len(ytrue))
def confusion_matrix(ytrue,yhat):
0 1 2
0 | |
truths 1 | |
2 | |
classes = np.unique(np.concatenate((ytrue,yhat),axis=0))
N = classes.shape[0]
matrix = np.zeros((N,N))
for i in range(len(ytrue)):
matrix[ytrue[i],yhat[i]] += 1
return matrix.astype(int)
def precision(ytrue,yhat,average='micro',return_class=False):
matrix = confusion_matrix(ytrue,yhat)
classes = np.unique(np.concatenate((ytrue,yhat),axis=0))
N = classes.shape[0]
SAMPLE = len(ytrue)
tp = []
fp = []
for i in classes:
fp.append(sum([matrix[j,i] for j in classes])-matrix[i,i])
if average == 'micro':
sum_tp = sum(tp)
sum_tp_fp = sum(tp+fp)
pre = sum_tp / float(sum_tp_fp)
elif average == 'macro':
pre_class = [a/float(a+b) for a,b in zip(tp,fp)]
pre = sum(pre_class) / float(N)
elif average == 'weighted':
pre_class = [a/float(a+b) for a,b in zip(tp,fp)]
true_instances = []
for i in classes:
temp = 0
for j in classes:
temp+= matrix[i,j]
pre = sum([p*s for p,s in zip(pre_class,true_instances)]) / float(SAMPLE)
if return_class is True and average!='micro':
return pre,pre_class
return pre
def recall(ytrue,yhat,average='micro',return_class=False,return_support=False):
matrix = confusion_matrix(ytrue,yhat)
classes = np.unique(np.concatenate((ytrue,yhat),axis=0))
N = classes.shape[0]
SAMPLE = len(ytrue)
tp = []
fn = []
for i in classes:
fn.append(sum([matrix[i,j] for j in classes])-matrix[i,i])
if average == 'micro':
"""all tp / all (tp+fn)"""
sum_tp = sum(tp)
sum_tp_fn = sum(tp+fn)
rec = sum_tp / float(sum_tp_fn)
elif average == 'macro':
"""all pre / number of class. AKA simple average"""
rec_class = [a/float(a+b) for a,b in zip(tp,fn)]
rec = sum(rec_class) / float(N)
elif average == 'weighted':
"""all (pre * support) / number of samples"""
rec_class = [a/float(a+b) for a,b in zip(tp,fn)]
true_instances = []
for i in classes:
temp = 0
for j in classes:
temp+= matrix[i,j]
rec = sum([p*s for p,s in zip(rec_class,true_instances)]) / float(SAMPLE)
if return_class is True and average!='micro':
return rec,rec_class
return rec
def f1(ytrue,yhat,average='micro'):
Require: ytrue, yhat. ndarray of shape (N,1). Each row is for one sample.
Ensure: f1-score. Harmonic mean of precision and recall.
SAMPLE = len(ytrue)
classes = np.unique(np.concatenate((ytrue,yhat),axis=0))
N = classes.shape[0]
if average=='micro':
r = recall(ytrue,yhat,average='micro')
p = precision(ytrue,yhat,average='micro')
return (2*((r*p)/(r+p)))
elif average=='macro':
_,rec_class = recall(ytrue,yhat,average=average,return_class=True)
_,pre_class = precision(ytrue,yhat,average,return_class=True)
for i in range(len(pre_class)):
f1 = sum([f for f in f1_class]) / float(N)
return f1
elif average == 'weighted':
_,rec_class = recall(ytrue,yhat,average=average,return_class=True)
_,pre_class = precision(ytrue,yhat,average,return_class=True)
for i in range(len(pre_class)):
support = np.zeros((len(pre_class),1))
for i in ytrue:
f1 = sum([f*s for f,s in zip(f1_class,support)]) / float(SAMPLE)
return f1
# --------------- test ------------------#
print(">>> confusion_matrix \n Custom: \n",confusion(ytrue,yhat), "\nsklearn: \n",mt.confusion_matrix(ytrue,yhat))
print(">>>Accuracy \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(accuracy(ytrue,yhat), mt.accuracy_score(ytrue,yhat)))
print(">>> Precision Micro \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(precision(ytrue,yhat,'micro'), mt.precision_score(ytrue,yhat,average='micro')))
print(">>> Precision Macro \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(precision(ytrue,yhat,'macro'), mt.precision_score(ytrue,yhat,average='macro')))
print(">>> Precision Weighted \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(precision(ytrue,yhat,'weighted'), mt.precision_score(ytrue,yhat,average='weighted')))
print(">>> Recall Micro \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(recall(ytrue,yhat,'micro'), mt.recall_score(ytrue,yhat,average='micro')))
print(">>> Recall Macro \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(recall(ytrue,yhat,'macro'), mt.recall_score(ytrue,yhat,average='macro')))
print(">>> Recall Weighted \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(recall(ytrue,yhat,'weighted'), mt.recall_score(ytrue,yhat,average='weighted')))
print(">>> f1 score Micro \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(f1(ytrue,yhat,'micro'), mt.f1_score(ytrue,yhat,average='micro')))
print(">>> f1 score Macro \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(f1(ytrue,yhat,'macro'), mt.f1_score(ytrue,yhat,average='macro')))
print(">>> f1 score weighted \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(f1(ytrue,yhat,'weighted'), mt.f1_score(ytrue,yhat,average='weighted')))
[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1]
[0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]
>>> confusion_matrix
[6, 11, 13, 9]
[[ 6 4 5]
[10 9 1]
[ 3 7 5]]
Custom: 0.400000, sklearn: 0.400000
>>> Precision Micro
Custom: 0.400000, sklearn: 0.400000
>>> Precision Macro
Custom: 0.406778, sklearn: 0.406778
>>> Precision Weighted
Custom: 0.411100, sklearn: 0.411100
>>> Recall Micro
Custom: 0.400000, sklearn: 0.400000
>>> Recall Macro
Custom: 0.394444, sklearn: 0.394444
>>> Recall Weighted
Custom: 0.400000, sklearn: 0.400000
>>> f1 score Micro
Custom: 0.400000, sklearn: 0.400000
>>> f1 score Macro
Custom: 0.395852, sklearn: 0.395852
>>> f1 score weighted
Custom: 0.401267, sklearn: 0.401267
exact match ratio
aka subset accuracy
Optimal Value: 1hamming_loss
Optimal Value: 0Accuracy Exam
Precision Exam
Recall Exam
F1 exam
ytrue = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]])
yhat = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
def subset_accuracy(ytrue,yhat):
N = ytrue.shape[1]
SAMPLE = ytrue.shape[0]
match = 0
for i in range(SAMPLE):
if sum(ytrue[i]==yhat[i])==N:
return match / float(SAMPLE)
def hamming_loss(ytrue,yhat):
N = ytrue.shape[1]
SAMPLE = ytrue.shape[0]
xor = sum(np.sum(ytrue!=yhat,axis=1))
return xor/float(N*SAMPLE)
def accuracy_exam(ytrue,yhat):
Accuracy for each instance is defined as the proportion of the predicted CORRECT labels
to the total number (predicted and actual) of labels for that instance.
Overall accuracy is the average across all instances.
A label is predicted if its value is 1.
N = ytrue.shape[1]
SAMPLE = ytrue.shape[0]
accuracy = 0
for i in range(SAMPLE):
intersection = 0
union = 0
for j in range(N):
if ytrue[i,j] == yhat[i,j] and ytrue[i,j]==1:
if ytrue[i,j]==1 or yhat[i,j]==1:
if union!=0:
accuracy += (intersection / float(union))
return accuracy / float(SAMPLE)
def precision_exam(ytrue,yhat):
Precision is average over the proportion of predicted correct labels to the total number of actual labels.
N = ytrue.shape[1]
SAMPLE = ytrue.shape[0]
precision_sum = 0
for i in range(SAMPLE):
intersection = 0
actual = sum(ytrue[i])
for j in range(N):
if ytrue[i,j] == yhat[i,j] and ytrue[i,j]==1:
if actual!=0:
precision_sum += (intersection / float(actual))
return precision_sum / float(SAMPLE)
def recall_exam(ytrue,yhat):
Proportion of predicted correct labels to the total number of predicted labels, averaged over all instances.
N = ytrue.shape[1]
SAMPLE = ytrue.shape[0]
recall_sum = 0
for i in range(SAMPLE):
intersection = 0
predicted_labels = sum(yhat[i])
for j in range(N):
if ytrue[i,j] == yhat[i,j] and ytrue[i,j]==1:
if predicted_labels!=0:
recall_sum += (intersection / float(predicted_labels))
return recall_sum / float(SAMPLE)
def f1_exam(ytrue,yhat):
N = ytrue.shape[1]
SAMPLE = ytrue.shape[0]
f1_sum = 0.0
for i in range(SAMPLE):
intersection = 0
predicted = sum(yhat[i])
actual = sum(ytrue[i])
for j in range(N):
if ytrue[i,j] == yhat[i,j] and ytrue[i,j]==1:
f1_sum = f1_sum + ((2*intersection) / float(predicted+actual))
return f1_sum / float(SAMPLE)
# sklearn returns "subset_accuracy" from accuracy_score() if ytrue,yhat are multilabel
print(">>> Subset Accuracy \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(subset_accuracy(ytrue,yhat), mt.accuracy_score(ytrue,yhat)))
print(">>> Hamming Loss \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(hamming_loss(ytrue,yhat), mt.hamming_loss(ytrue,yhat)))
print(">>> Accuracy Exam \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %s"%(accuracy_exam(ytrue,yhat))
print(">>> Precision Exam \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %s"%(precision_exam(ytrue,yhat))
print(">>> Recall Exam \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %s"%(recall_exam(ytrue,yhat))
print(">>> F1 Exam \n Custom: %f"%(f1_exam(ytrue,yhat))
>>> Subset Accuracy
Custom: 0.333333, sklearn: 0.333333
>>> Hamming Loss
Custom: 0.166667, sklearn: 0.166667
>>> Accuracy Exam
Custom: 0.555556, sklearn: doesn't have accuracy_exam
>>> Precision Exam
Custom: 0.555556, sklearn: doesn't have precision_exam
>>> Recall Exam
Custom: 0.666667, sklearn: doesn't have recall_exam
>>> F1 Exam
Custom: 0.600000, sklearn: doesn't have f1_exam
Confusion Matrix
for each labelPrecision Macro,Micro
Recall Macro,Micro
F1-score Macro,Micro
F-beta Macro,Micro
ytrue = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]])
yhat = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
def confusion_matrix_labelwise(ytrue,yhat,verbose=False):
Returns labelwise tp,fp,fn,tp.
L = ytrue.shape[1] # number of labels
N = ytrue.shape[0] # number of samples
confusion = np.zeros((L,4)) # list of lists, inner list will contain 0:tn, 1:fp, 2:fn, 3:tp
for i in range(N):
for j in range(L):
if ytrue[i,j]==yhat[i,j] and ytrue[i,j]==1: # tp
elif ytrue[i,j]==yhat[i,j] and ytrue[i,j]==0: # tn
elif ytrue[i,j]!=yhat[i,j] and ytrue[i,j]==0: # fp
confusion[j,2] += 1
if verbose is True:
print('TN FP FN TP\n',confusion)
return confusion
def precision(ytrue,yhat,average='micro'):
confusion = confusion_matrix_labelwise(ytrue,yhat) # col 0:tn, 1:fp, 2:fn, 3:tp
L = ytrue.shape[1] # number of labels
N = ytrue.shape[0] # number of samples
if average=='micro': # micro sums everything, then calculates the global metric
sums = np.sum(confusion,axis=0)
tp = sums[3]
tp_fp = tp + sums[1]
if tp_fp!=0:
precision = tp / float(tp_fp)
precision = 0
elif average=='macro': # macro calculates label wise precision, then averages
pre = []
for i in range(L):
tp = confusion[i,3]
tp_fp = tp + confusion[i,1]
if tp_fp != 0:
precision = sum(pre)/float(L)
return precision
def recall(ytrue,yhat,average='micro'):
confusion = confusion_matrix_labelwise(ytrue,yhat) # col 0:tn, 1:fp, 2:fn, 3:tp
L = ytrue.shape[1] # number of labels
N = ytrue.shape[0] # number of samples
if average=='micro': # micro sums everything, then calculates the global metric
sums = np.sum(confusion,axis=0)
tp = sums[3]
tp_fn = tp + sums[2]
if tp_fn!=0:
recall = tp / float(tp_fn)
recall = 0
elif average=='macro': # macro calculates label wise precision, then averages
rec = []
for i in range(L):
tp = confusion[i,3]
tp_fn = tp + confusion[i,2]
if tp_fn != 0:
recall = sum(rec)/float(L)
return recall
def f_beta(ytrue,yhat,beta=1,average='micro'):
confusion = confusion_matrix_labelwise(ytrue,yhat) # rows are labels, cols are 0:tn, 1:fp, 2:fn, 3:tp
L = ytrue.shape[1] # number of labels
N = ytrue.shape[0] # number of samples
f1 = 0
if average=='macro':
f1s = []
for i in range(L):
numerator = (1+(beta*beta))*confusion[i,3]
denominator = (1+(beta*beta))*confusion[i,3] + (beta*beta)*confusion[i,2] + confusion[i,1]
if denominator!=0:
f1s.append(numerator / float(denominator))
f1 = sum(f1s) / float(L)
elif average=='micro':
sums = np.sum(confusion,axis=0)
tp = sums[3]
fn = sums[2]
fp = sums[1]
numerator = (1+(beta*beta))*tp
denominator = (1+(beta*beta))*tp + (beta*beta)*fn + fp
if denominator!=0:
f1 = numerator / float(denominator)
return f1
print(">>> Precision Micro \n Custom:\n",confusion_matrix_labelwise(ytrue,yhat,verbose=False),'\n','sklearn: \n',mt.multilabel_confusion_matrix(ytrue,yhat))
print(">>> Precision Micro \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(precision(ytrue,yhat), mt.precision_score(ytrue,yhat,average='micro',zero_division=0)))
print(">>> Precision Macro \n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(precision(ytrue,yhat,'macro'), mt.precision_score(ytrue,yhat,average='macro',zero_division=0)))
print(">>> Recall Micro\n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(recall(ytrue,yhat),mt.recall_score(ytrue,yhat,average='micro',zero_division=0)))
print(">>> Recall Macro\n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(recall(ytrue,yhat,'macro'), mt.recall_score(ytrue,yhat,average='macro',zero_division=0)))
print(">>> fbeta Macro\n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(f_beta(ytrue,yhat,beta=1,average='macro'), mt.fbeta_score(ytrue,yhat,beta=1,average='macro',zero_division=0)))
print(">>> fbeta Micro\n Custom: %f, sklearn: %f"%(f_beta(ytrue,yhat,beta=1,average='micro'), mt.fbeta_score(ytrue,yhat,beta=1,average='micro',zero_division=0)))
>>> Precision Micro
[[2. 0. 0. 1.]
[2. 0. 1. 0.]
[1. 0. 1. 1.]
[1. 0. 0. 2.]]
[[[2 0]
[0 1]]
[[2 0]
[1 0]]
[[1 0]
[1 1]]
[[1 0]
[0 2]]]
>>> Precision Micro
Custom: 1.000000, sklearn: 1.000000
>>> Precision Macro
Custom: 0.750000, sklearn: 0.750000
>>> Recall Micro
Custom: 0.666667, sklearn: 0.666667
>>> Recall Macro
Custom: 0.625000, sklearn: 0.625000
beta: 1 <class 'int'>
>>> fbeta Macro
Custom: 0.666667, sklearn: 0.666667
beta: 1 <class 'int'>
>>> fbeta Micro
Custom: 0.800000, sklearn: 0.800000