[ISLR] Chapter 04 - Classification
4.1 An Overview of Classification Predicting a qualitative (string/label) response for an observation can be referred to as classifying that observation. Thi...
4.1 An Overview of Classification Predicting a qualitative (string/label) response for an observation can be referred to as classifying that observation. Thi...
Here’s a sample data matrix, x = 2, 6, 8, 56, 13, 8, 4, 6, 23 Sample groups, m = 3, number of observation in each group, n = 3. Groups are column...
Content Mean Mode Median Quartiles Variance Standard Deviation
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Unbounded Knapsack Given a knapsack weight W and a set of N items with certain value and weight , we need to calculate minimum amount that cou...