Posts by Year


আমার ইরাস্মুসে আবেদন

2 minute read

২০২২ এ GRE ও IELTS পরীক্ষা দেই। পরেরটায় আলহামদুলিল্লাহ ভালো ফলাফল আসলেও প্রথমটায় একদমই খারাপ করি। নিচে আমার শিক্ষা জীবনের ফলাফলের সারাংশ দেয়া হলঃ

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Counting - Permutation & Combination

3 minute read

Most of us are already introduced to permutation and combination in high school math classes. I understand clearly what they separately define. But I get con...

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1 minute read

ভেক্টর এর পরিচিতি ভেক্টর এর নির্দিষ্ট সংজ্ঞা শুরুতে দিলে কিছুটা ঝামেলার মনে হতে পারে। একটা উদাহরণ দেই এর চেয়ে। আন্দাজে একটা ভেক্টর ধরে নিলাম, \(a=(1,2)\)। এই...

Idea and Implementation / Boosting

2 minute read

Boosting Boosting is also a general approach that can be applied to many statistical methods. Unlike bagging, boosting use the same dataset. Boosting works o...

Idea and Implementation / Bagging

2 minute read

Bagging, random forest, and boosting are statistical approach to further enhance already available algorithms. They all seem to deal with multiple training o...

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[ISLR] Chapter 04 - Classification

4 minute read

4.1 An Overview of Classification Predicting a qualitative (string/label) response for an observation can be referred to as classifying that observation. Thi...

Common terms in Statistics II

2 minute read

Here’s a sample data matrix, x = 2, 6, 8, 56, 13, 8, 4, 6, 23 Sample groups, m = 3, number of observation in each group, n = 3. Groups are column...

Welcome to Jekyll!

less than 1 minute read

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...

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Balancing Brackets

1 minute read

Problem Definition You’re given a non-empty string made in its entirety from opening and closing braces. Your task is to find the minimum number of “operatio...

Next Smallest Palindrome

2 minute read

Given a number, we have to find the next smallest palindrome which is larger than this number.

Bitwise Sieve w/ Code

1 minute read

Sieve of Eratosthenes is explained HERE Bitwise sieve is an optimized implementation of Sieve of Eratosthenes. It does the same thing but more memory effic...


less than 1 minute read

Problem Statement Explanation This might seem like a math problem. But it’s not. There’s a pattern in here. Firstly, figure out when output has no number. If...

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